fibers of the nervous system." This was. Sherrington's phrase. Within the vast circuits of this master organ, potentials travel, here and there and yonder ...
Scientific Events: life. Yet it is in certain aspects more seizable. Bust of Chester S. Lyman; Effects of For- in complex animals than it is in simpler forms ...
which made his name famous, Sperry formulated his views on how the brain and subjectivity should be conceived. He tells us.
Jackson and Charles Sherrington, never ventured out on these u familiar paths, or indulged in what seems to me naïve thinking abou the nervous system. They ...
The outstanding zoologist and teacher of zoology at Oxford from 1930 to 1945 was John. Zachary Young (universally known as J.Z.).
ceived as the source of life (anima mund'i) and soul. Motion being a sign of life, the term "animated" was applied to living creatures endowed with motion ...
system of bedside instruction to small groups ef ... lughlings Jackson's study of convulsions due to cortical ... merely the chemistry and physics of living things.
Central nervous system, distribution of cortical projection systems in primates,. 662. Century 21 Exposition, 465. CERAM, C. W., The march of achaeology, book ...
Mechanics of fiber structure: R. Shi- shoo, discussion leader. Speakers: M. Schoppee, N. Mendel- son, J. J. Thwaites. 3 MARCH 1989. End use analysis: E. A. ...
The current Isis classification system for works in the history of science is a two-level hierarchy. It emphasizes time period and dis- cipline, and the ...