When the axon was stimulated with an electric shock, an impulse travelled along it; the inside swung momentarily positive and then returned to its resting ...
sponses and impulses originate in the axon hilloek region. The dendrites are probably not electrically excitable. Since the cells of the nervous system are.
system will divide information among a larg- er number of relatively noisy neurons of low- er information capacity, as observed in the splitting of retinal ...
and in the transmitting system, end-plate-muscle fibre, were made in order to have conditions more exactly defined than is possible on the whole muscle and ...
The 'initial' heat production of a non-medullated nerve (Maia) has been reinvestigated with more rapid recording equipment than was previously available.
proaches to the presentation of neuroanatomy. The first one is heroic: it affirms that the brain is the embodiment of thinking and feeling.
Aug 23, 2023 · the information storing and handling capacity of a lirmited mass of cells in terms of the number of cells present, and to make comparisons ...
Neurons share the biochemical machinery of all other living cells, including the ability to generate chemical energy from the oxi.
Synopsis. This essay is part of the seventh presentation of a yearly educational project of the American Society of Zoologists. The purpose is to provide ...
The concept of mechanism is analyzed in terms of entities and activities, organized such that they are productive of regular changes. Examples show how ...