Feb 12, 2019 · Matelli M, Luppino G, Rizzolatti G (1991) Architecture of superior and mesial area. 6 and the adjacent cingulate cortex in the macaque monkey.
lated the arm area of the cerebral cortex in a monkey to excite corticospinal fibres. They attempted to examine the physiological responses of motoneurons ...
during visual search, we recorded responses of directionally selective neurons in cortical visual area MT of rhesus monkeys. (Macaca mulatta). These animals ...
action observation and action performance in monkeys is a precursor to ... Representation in the Ventral Premotor Cortex (Area F 5) of the Monkey. ... Rhesus ...
The responses of a cell (large spike) in area V2 of monkey prestriate cortex to monocular and binocular stimulation. The cell was orientation selective. (a) ...
characteristic motor response of the adult motor region, namely, isolated movements. In a three-week-old monkey, area 4 is the only region from which ...
Mirror neurons responding to the observation of ingestive and communicative mouth actions in the monkey ventral premotor cortex. European Journal of.
actions between the monkeys (20). ... gaze-selective responses in the monkey amygdala. ... monkeys during rhythmic facial expressions and ingestive movements.
area F5 in the premotor cortex and parietal area PF ... isolated stimulus-response perception-action machine. ... From monkey-like action recognition to human ...
Apr 15, 2016 · Pebble-collecting behavior by juvenile Japanese monkeys. - Monkey. 19: 24-25 (in Japanese). Hof, PR. & Duan, H. (2001). Age ...