Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... AREA of the cerebral cortex in the waking animal and under anaesthesia . Muscle action potentials during electrical and chemical stimulation of the 01487 - - MOTOR AREA of the cerebral cortex . Responses ... facilitation ; 6. The motor ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
J. Kiffin Penry. CORTICAL response and pyramidal tract responses . Spreading ... stimulation of the isolated pyramidal tract . Re - analysis of the ... monkey , Atrophic CORTICAL seizure activities . Ontogenetic models in studies of ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... mulatta after 03708 - 02432 10864 CORTICAL origi . Posttraumatic epilepsies ... stimulation . IV . Excitability characteristics of neuronal chains giving rise to the direct motor response ... cortex during avoidance conditioning in the rabbit ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... response to lesion of anterodorsal thalamic nuclei in rats . Suárez M , et al . Arch Physiol Biochem 1999 Apr ; 107 ( 2 ) : 123-8 Effect of stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on oral control of patients with parkinsonism . Gentil M ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... facilitation during action observation: a magnetic stimulation study. JNeurophysiol 73: 2608—2611. Fogassi L, Gallese V, Fadiga L, Rizzolatti G (1998) Neurons responding to the sight of goal directed hand/arm actions in the parietal area ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... cortex ( visual ) layer V4 lesions effects on , Macaca 3655 photoreceptors , phototransduction , ions conductance , action potential , color , movements , mechanisms , man 7248 Hermissenda crassicomis ..... 67 color , patterns induction ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... stimulation . However , after large rostral tegmental or hypothalamic ... cortex , or to collateral excitation of diffuse projection nuclei at the thalamic level . W. A. GROOM . Electrocorticograms of the cytoarchitectural areas of Macaca ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... stimulation . However , after large rostral tegmental or hypothalamic ... cortex , or to collateral excitation of diffuse projection nuclei at the thalamic level . W. A. GROOM . Electrocorticograms of the cytoarchitectural areas of Macaca ...
Responses, Area, Mulatta, Response, Cortex, Stimulation, Monkey, Action, Facilitation, Movements from books.google.com
... cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 70, 1553–1569. Aroniadou, V.A., Keller, A., 1995 ... stimulation in cats. Brain Res. 27, 97–109. d'Avella, A., Saltiel, P., Bizzi ... Facilitation of muscle evoked responses after repetitive cortical stimulation ...