Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... system , Mathematical models ) , ( * Neuromuscular transmission , Theorems ) , Nerve cells , Nerve fibers , Nerve impulses , Circuits , Physiology , Vertebrates ... behavior rather than another . Its anatomy , or wiring diagram , is fairly ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... action has been proposed that could possibly account for its known performance . Its basic structure is that of a string of similar modules , wide but shallow in computation everywhere , and connected not merely from module to adjacent ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... behavior rather than another . Its anatomy , or wiring dia- gram , is fairly well known , but to date no theory of its circuit action has been proposed that could possibly account for its known performance . Its basic structure is that ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... behavior rather than another . Its anatomy , or wiring dia gram , is fairly well known , but to date no theory of its circuit action has been proposed that could possibly account for its known performance . Its basic structure is that ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
Designing Autonomous Agents provides a summary and overview of the radically different architectures that have been developed over the past few years for organizing robots.
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... action has been proposed that could possibly account for its known performance . Its basic structure is that of a string of similar modules , wide but shallow in computation everywhere , and connected not merely from module to adjacent ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
... action has been proposed which could possibly account for its known performance . Its basic structure is that of a string of similar modules , wide but shallow in computation everywhere , and connected not merely from module to adjacent ...
Modules, Vertebrates, Action, Behavior, Automata, Actions, System, Structure, Module, Events from books.google.com
This book offers representative examples from fly and mouse models to illustrate the ongoing success of the synergistic, state-of-the-art strategy, focusing on the ways it enhances our understanding of sensory processing.